Jaroslav Daniška je šéfredaktorom denníka Štandard. Píše o politike, kultúre a náboženstve, študoval v Trnave, Prahe a Varšave. Jaroslav písal pre týždeník Týždeň, konzervatívny denník Postoj. Bol šéfredaktorom revue pre modernú katolícku kultúru - Impulz. Na Rádiu Slovensko má reláciu K2 venovanú kultúrnym osobnostiam, ktoré nie sú celebritami. Na Rádiu Devín je súčasťou relácie Reflektor, spolu s Jurajom Šústom a Štefanom Chrappom. Takisto je moderátorom diskusnej relácie RTVS Do kríža.
He graduated in philosophy at Trnava University. He serves as the President of the Ladislav Hanus Fellowship and co-organizes the Bratislava / Košice Hanus days festival. He is the editor-in-chief of Verbum, a magazine for contemporary Christian culture. He also works as a script editor for the RTVS discussion program Do kríža and is also involved in civic activities, especially in the field of pro-life.
Štefan Chrappa (Pišta Vandal) is a host, author, publisher, and musician. Together with Jaroslav Daniška and Juraj Šúst, he hosts broadcasts, such as Reflektor in Radio Devín, which comments culture, philosophy science, religion, and critical thinking in Slovakia and abroad. Together with Adela Banášová, he hosted TV series Najväčší Slovák in Television of Slovakia. He runs publishing house Limerick, plays, and sings in Čad and Vandali bands. He wrote multiple books.