Tento deň je určený pre tých mužov, ktorí už absolvovali cestu premeny Exodus 90. Sprevádzať nás bude Nathaniel Binversie, programový riaditeľ Exodu 90.
Exodus Retreat sa uskutoční v sobotu 26. júna. Začiatok programu je stanovený na 08:00 pri bazilike v Marianke a potrvá približne do 17-tej hodiny. Práve tu zanecháme ruch bežného života a spoločne sa vhĺbime do askézy. Môžete sa tešiť na duchovný program, prednášky, výdatnú fyzickú aktivitu, chutné jedlo (olovrant, obed) a v neposlednom rade bratské spoločenstvo.
early bird cena pre prvých 20 registrovaných: 30 € (posledné miesto)
cena: 40 €
Program bude primárne v slovenčine, zamyslenia a prednášky vedené Nathanielom budú tlmočené.
NATHANIEL BIVERSIE is one of authors and content director of today's relatively widespread program for male spirituality Exodus 90. He studied at the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul. After graduating from theology, Nathaniel gained experience as a missionary in several Christian organizations. He lives in Indiana in the USA and together with his wife Sherry they enjoy their daughter Lucie. Today, the Exodus 90 is widespread throughout the world, and success has also been achieved in Slovakia. In his lecture, Nathaniel will focus on true authentic masculinity and what needs to be done on the way to becoming the right man. He will also lead an all-day event Exodus Retreat.
Milan Bubák is a Roman Catholic priest and writer. As a member of the Society of the Divine Word, he studied in Rome and Chicago. In 1997, he founded the University Pastoral Center of St. Jozef Freinademetz in Mlynská Dolina, where he worked for 10 years. Subsequently, until 2013, he worked in Rome in the high position of the Society of the Divine Word as coordinator for justice and peace and the integrity of creation. He is currently the administrator of the parish in Petržalka, Bratislava, on Dalibor Square.