We are living through a crisis of politics, culture and faith. It is as if today there is no steady ground to stand on. All identities and certainties are crumbling. Is it even possible to have confidence in the future nowadays? One of the most important theologians of our time, the American Dominican and Rector of the Angelicum University of Rome, Fr. Thomas Joseph White, will speak about why the union of faith and reason according to St. Thomas is the remedy for present days.
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Father Thomas Joseph White is Rector of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum) in Rome. He is the author of several books and articles, including The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God, Wisdom in the Face of Modernity: A Study in Thomistic Natural Theology, The Incarnate Lord, A Thomistic Study in Christology, The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism, and others. He is co-editor of Nova et Vetera, a Distinguished Scholar of the McDonald Agape Foundation, and a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Samuel Trizuljak studied political science and history at the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Heidelberg. His interest in the history of Catholic thought is further developed as a PhD student at Charles University in Prague. As a lecturer he cooperates with the Ladislav Hanus Society and the Anton Neuwirth College. As a speechwriter, he has worked for several politicians, most recently for the Minister of Defence Jaroslav Naď. His book At Height to Depth: 33 Advice to Faithful Students in Bratislava, Oxford or elsewhere was published in September 2021.