The Hanus Days Festival seeks to connect faith and reason and to inspire a renewed pursuit of what is True, Good and Beautiful. We firmly believe that Christianity “isn’t just a memory of the past, but very much a reality deeply alive.” (Benedict XVI.)

The festival aims to attract the academic community as well as a broader audience. Hanus Days cover topics in the fields of philosophy, theology, history, economy, politics as well as art, psychology and sociology. This year´s festival will consist of five evenings of lectures and discussions as well as various other program.

What will be the topic of this year´s BHD?

Main topic of the twelfth year of Bratislava Hanus days will be:

Jubilee Year of Reconciliation

Photo of SLH fellowship

Who was Ladislav Hanus?

He was a Catholic priest trying to raise the faith and cultural life in Slovakia. He desired for the priests and believers not to live their religion just out of a habit, mindlessly and comfortably, but to be able to shape the public life spiritually.

“Man embraces his soundness fully when devoted to essence, laws, orders, attributes of existence as such and thus to philosophical thinking.” Ladislav Hanus

We cannot imagine our academic city festival bearing a name of anybody else. Ladislav Hanus was a Catholic philosopher, theologist, translator, literary pieces interpreter, sacral art expert and a founder of philosophy of culture in Slovakia.

He is our “Romano Guardini”.

Photo of Ladislav Hanus

Who is behind Hanus Days?

The festival is organised by Ladislav Hanus Fellowship (Spoločenstvo Ladislava Hanusa - SLH).

SLH´s vision is to be a community of competent and involved Christians, who know their faith well and who live it out. That enables them to bring Jesus Christ to Slovak public life – to politics, media, art and culture.

That is why we consider our mission to be the intellectual and spiritual formation of the young and their social involvement. The formation is carried out via academic programmes, which started in 2002 in Bratislava and in 2015 in Košice. We also seek to engage publicly through the festival Hanus Days, which takes place in both Bratislava and Košice. The festival and the academic programmes are not the only activities we do - there are many more such as numerous public discussions, lectures, publication activity, media outputs, petition organisation, public gatherings, pro-life citizen activities, initiatives as Zastavme hazard, Pamätaj, Za slušné Slovensko and others.

SLH gave rise to approximately 15 other projects and organisations involved in the field of Christian culture. They are for example Anton Neuwirth Collegium (Kolégium Antona Neuwirtha), Human Rights and Family Policy Institute and portal.