Ružomberok Hanus days
Rod Dreher, author of christian book of decade (Benedict option) wrote a new book „Live not by lies“, which became a bestseller on Amazon immediately after its release. Based on the experience of Christians in times of communism, Dreher shows how we should prepare for the time to come (cancel culture). In other words: what did Silvester Krčméry teach the world? - This will also be the topic of Rod Dreher's speach at this year's BHD
Rod Dreher is an author and journalist whose best-selling books have been translated into 12 languages. He is a leading commentator on the relationship between Christianity and public life. He is a senior editor at The American Conservative, where he writes a popular blog about religion, culture, and politics, and he publishes often in other journals. In 2017, his best-selling book "The Benedict Option" was described by The New York Times as "the most important religious book of the decade." In 2019, his book "Live Not By Lies," a warning about what he regards as the coming soft totalitarianism, became another bestseller in the United States. He dedicated the book to the memory of Father Tomislav Kolakovic, the founder of the Slovak underground church. He is an Orthodox Christian who lives with his wife and children in Louisiana.
Jaroslav Daniška je šéfredaktorom denníka Štandard. Píše o politike, kultúre a náboženstve, študoval v Trnave, Prahe a Varšave. Jaroslav písal pre týždeník Týždeň, konzervatívny denník Postoj. Bol šéfredaktorom revue pre modernú katolícku kultúru - Impulz. Na Rádiu Slovensko má reláciu K2 venovanú kultúrnym osobnostiam, ktoré nie sú celebritami. Na Rádiu Devín je súčasťou relácie Reflektor, spolu s Jurajom Šústom a Štefanom Chrappom. Takisto je moderátorom diskusnej relácie RTVS Do kríža.