Ružomberok Hanus days
The snowflake generation, according to Collins Dictionary, are young people "who became adults in 2010 or later, and who are considered less resilient and more prone to being offended than previous generations." Are today's young really that fragile and hypersensitive, or are they instead inspirational and we should rather listen to them when they urgently point out the problems of the day? Can they maintain good interpersonal relations with peers outside their worldview bubbles and discuss sensitive issues creatively?
In two shorter talk shows, we look beneath the surface of both the female and male worlds of young committed people from both Christian and secular backgrounds. Identities of femininity and masculinity, sexuality, lifestyle, marriage and parenting... Relationship to children and the planet, tolerance, ideals and desires, dialogue and cancel culture, faith and ecology... After that, a detached perspective will be brought by Max Kašparů - a priest and experienced therapist, with whom we will place the narrated in a broader context in order to better understand and comprehend.
Jaroslav Maximilián (Max) Kašparů is a Czech physician-forensic psychiatrist, theologian, educator and Greek-Catholic priest. He is the author of several well-known books on spiritual topics, such as Vánoční paradoxy (Christmas Paradoxes, 2004), Zápisník potulného kazatele (Notebook of a Wandering Preacher, 2008) and Naslouchat je víc než poslouchat (2013), as well as a popular lecturer and leader of spiritual retreats. In addition to psychiatry and spiritual ministry, he is an Esperanto scholar.
Matúš Hagara je aktívny mladý kresťan, ktorému horí srdce pre vieru. Odpovede na svoje otázky hľadá skrz štúdium katolíckej teológie na ITI Catholic University v Rakúsku. Je absolventom Kolégia Antona Neuwirtha a členom SLH. V minulosti študoval matematiku a bol členom predsedníctva KDMS. Dnes je šťastne ženatý a angažuje sa v CitizenGO Slovensko.
Ladislav Kuna is a student at the University of Economics in Bratislava and also the chairman of the Young SaSkári youth organization. In 2020, he was a candidate in parliament elections for the SaS party.
Sofia Mikulová is a twenty-one year old student of marketing communication in Trnava. She is part of the Greek Catholic youth community Aetós, based in Košice, where she is involved in leading and organizing various events, camps or meetings for children and youth. She enjoys music and art, spending time with friends and travelling.
He is involved in the creation of Verbum magazine in the field of creativity. He has worked as head of communications at the ACN Pontifical Foundation - Aid to the Suffering Church. He studied music at the UK Faculty of Education and the University of Cambridge. He complemented his musical studies with philosophy and theology at summer schools and courses in Central Europe and the USA. He has worked in media and communications in a variety of outlets as an editor and presenter, working on civic, charitable and political campaigns. As a music educator, he has worked with the Citadel Elementary School. His texts can be found in Postoj, Štandard, the daily SME, or in .week. He is a past president of the Anton Neuwirth College Alumni Society and a member of the Ladislav Hanus Society. He is currently working in the team of Miriam Lexmann, Member of the European Parliament.