Andrej Arpáš lives in the United States. Graduate of New York's Columbia University, he had also served as a senator in the University-wide legislature. Andrej describes himself as a classical liberal, and speaks of the tectonic shifts underway in U.S. higher education. He warns that the situation on the ground somewhat resembles what Slovaks had been experiencing before the fall of Communism. Andrej will share his experiences from graduate school in the U.S., which finds itself increasingly swept up in the throes of "cancel culture", and bear witness to the alarming trends threatening the values of Western Democracy.
Radomír Masaryk je odborníkom v oblasti psychológie. V roku 2004 obhájil malý doktorát (PhDr.) zo sociálnej psychológie, v roku 2005 veľký doktorát (Ph.D.) z pedagogickej psychológie a v roku 2019 habilitačné riadenie zo sociálnej a pracovnej psychológie. V minulosti pôsobil ako odborný asistent na Univerzite Komenského a súčasnosti pôsobí ako výskumník na Ústave experimentálnej psychológie Slovenskej akadémie vied. Popri akademickej práci sa venoval aj prekladateľstvu a tlmočníctvu.
Martin Škoviera je profesorom matematiky na Fakulte matematiky, fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenského kde aktuálne pôsobí ako vedúci Katedry informatiky. Vo svojej vedeckej práci sa venuje hlavne teórii grafov, kombinatorike a diskrétnej matematike. Okrem toho sa vo voľnom čase aktívne venuje cirkevnej hudbe a pôsobí ako dirigent gréckokatolíckeho katedrálneho zboru Chrysostomos.
Šimon Sádovský works as a university teacher at Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics of Comenius University. During his doctoral studies he was interested in the regular languages and automata, which are also the main topics of his university lectures now. He also makes a living at programming. He is a member of SLH, where he leads some lessons within the year academic programme. He particularly likes the lessons about G.K.Chesterton´s book Orthodoxy. In his free time, he usually enjoys hockey, vineyard and spends time conserving the ruins of Katarínka. He is married. Although he lives in Bratislava together with his wife, he is proud of his rural origin.