Did you know that...?

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On BHD and KHD work together
more than 120 volunteers?

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The best organizers dedicate
the festival about 250 hours
of their free time annualy?

We organize Hanus Days voluntarily without entitlement to reward. Year after year, we increase the demands on the festival and on ourselves, so that we can offer you an increasingly valuable experience.

Why should you support Hanus Days?

  • Because you can help to create a modern and attractive platform for dialogue with contemporary society.
  • Because our festival inspires Slovak christianity to be more authentic and more open and stay salt of the earth.
  • Because our society needs to look for the truth in a critical discussion instead of enforcement of ideologies.
  • Because we want Slovakia which leads dialogue.

If you like BHD or KHD and you want to support us, here are some simple options how to donate:

Transfer to the bank account of the main organizer - Ladislav Hanus Fellowship (Spoločenstvo Ladislava Hanusa)

IBAN: SK49 8330 0000 0023 0161 4435


By credit card or transfer from a PayPal account - just click on the button:

Icon heart


for any kind of support!