He is the dramaturg of the Hanus days festival and a member of the editorial board of the daily Štandard. He graduated in political science, is a graduate of Anton Neuwirth College and a member of the Ladislav Hanus Society. He lives in Snina.
Michal Považan získal v roku 2004 magisterské vzdelanie v odbore Právo na Právnickej fakulte UK v Bratislave. A v roku 2007 magisterský titul v odbore Politológia na Filozofickej fakulte. V rokoch 2009 – 2012 bol doktorandom v odbore Teória a dejiny štátu a práva na Právnickej fakulte. Po získaní doktorského titula na fakulte pracuje ako odborný asistent. Venuje sa témam právnych dejín Slovenska, vývoja právnych inštitútov prokuratúry a družstva, vývoja trestného procesného práva. Michal je členom Spoločenstva Ladislava Hanusa.
He graduated in philosophy at Trnava University. He serves as the President of the Ladislav Hanus Fellowship and co-organizes the Bratislava / Košice Hanus days festival. He is the editor-in-chief of Verbum, a magazine for contemporary Christian culture. He also works as a script editor for the RTVS discussion program Do kríža and is also involved in civic activities, especially in the field of pro-life.
Samuel Trizuljak studied political science and history at the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Heidelberg. His interest in the history of Catholic thought is further developed as a PhD student at Charles University in Prague. As a lecturer he cooperates with the Ladislav Hanus Society and the Anton Neuwirth College. As a speechwriter, he has worked for several politicians, most recently for the Minister of Defence Jaroslav Naď. His book At Height to Depth: 33 Advice to Faithful Students in Bratislava, Oxford or elsewhere was published in September 2021.
Jaroslav Daniška je šéfredaktorom denníka Štandard. Píše o politike, kultúre a náboženstve, študoval v Trnave, Prahe a Varšave. Jaroslav písal pre týždeník Týždeň, konzervatívny denník Postoj. Bol šéfredaktorom revue pre modernú katolícku kultúru - Impulz. Na Rádiu Slovensko má reláciu K2 venovanú kultúrnym osobnostiam, ktoré nie sú celebritami. Na Rádiu Devín je súčasťou relácie Reflektor, spolu s Jurajom Šústom a Štefanom Chrappom. Takisto je moderátorom diskusnej relácie RTVS Do kríža.