- Rod Dreher
- Agnieszka Ewa Jarkowska
- Andrej Kačmár
Sr. Agnieszka Ewa Jarkowska is a nun from the Institute of the Capuchin Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She is an expert in pedagogy, pastoral vocations and protection of minors from sexual abuse, with an academic diploma in the protection of minors from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. She has been working with youth and families in Slovakia since 2014, lecturing at the Catholic University of Ružomberok since 2017 and collaborating with the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious. Since 2019, she has been a member of the Centre for the Protection of Minors in Košice and a member of the Commission of the Slovak Bishops' Conference for Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors. She deals with prevention and assistance to victims of sexual abuse.