Men struggling with their sexuality are not a rarity these days. They struggle with pornography addiction, lust or a relationship frustration. Some have been fighting for years in a battle which they cannot win on their own. The ideal of male identity is clashing with the harsh reality of today's world. Men are being encouraged to take instead of being invited to self-giving. This is the real battle they should lead.
The mastered sexuality of men, after all, hides so much wealth! How to win this fight? And what is the real reward? Capuchin Brother Martin Borkovský, who is actively involved in accompanying men, Ján Balážia, who is implementing the Father & Son project, and Peter "Pete" Lupton, the founder of the NePorn portal, will be looking for answers to these and similar questions.
Capuchin brother Martin Borkovský currently works in Bratislava as a Master of students. For years he has been involved in youth formation and spiritual exercises for men. This is how he began to personally accompany people addicted to pornography or sex. Every year, he prepares for men a two-week spiritual exercise in the woods, where he helps them learn their story and grow into the men this world needs. Borko, as many familiarly call him, is himself full of paradoxes, about which he loves to talk so much. Behind his massive appearance lies a loving heart. Borko does not speak in a flowery or sweet manner, but faithful to the Truth and humble before the Lord helps his neighbours discover the secret corners of their souls.
Ján Balážia is married and has two grown-up children. He has devoted many years to the topic of male spirituality and the relationship between fathers and sons. He shares his knowledge and experience in the project Father & Son, of which he is the co-director, and in two booklets - The Story of the Father-Son Relationship; Father and Daughter - How Our Problems Arose.
Pete Lupton is the founder of the portal NePornu (transl. NotoPorn). He is not ashamed to talk about the addiction to pornography, even though he went through it himself. He tried to end his addiction several times, but it was not easy, as he was on his own. It was only after almost 10 years, when he confided his problem to his wife and men in his support group, that he quit pornography for good. He realized that if one wants to end an addiction, not being alone is the most important element of the whole process. This idea led him to found NePornu, a non-profit organization that anonymously helps people struggling with pornography and accompanies them as well as their loved ones.
František Bartek studied philosophy at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. He is also a graduate of the Anton Neuwirth College and the semester program of the Ladislav Hanus Fellowship, for which he later worked. In the past, he also worked as an assistant to a member of the Slovak National Assembly. He is one of the founding members of the Catholic Gentlemen's Club. Francis is also a co-author of the book "Joseph 2.1", subtitled: What does it mean to be a man of the Gospel in the 21st century? He is currently studying the theology of marriage and family at the International Pontifical Institute in Austria.