Gender equality is a controversial concept that has been associated with two conflicting interpretations. On the one hand, the demand for fairness between men and women (and more recently towards groups using the acronym LGBTI+), on the other, a strange attempt at a cultural revolution that seeks to abolish legitimate differences between the two sexes. Moreover, the introduction of language changes lacks social consensus, and is perceived by a large part of society as an ideological distortion of language. The event seeks to create a space for a rational discussion of competing cultural worlds, so that it is possible to adequately identify the problem and at least try to understand where and why we actually do not understand each other...
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Júlia Choleva sa venuje viacjazyčnosti a sociálnej lingvistike. Pracuje na Jazykovednom ústave Ľudovíta Štúra SAV a zároveň ako odborná pracovníčka v centre pre slovenčinu ako cudzí jazyk na Filozofickej fakulte UK v Bratislave. Zaoberá sa sociálnou povahou jazyka, výskumom jazykovej ideológie a jazykovej politiky, v súčasnosti predovšetkým akvizičného jazykového plánovania pre ľudí a deti v škole, pre ktoré je slovenčina druhým či cudzím jazykom. Výskumu jazykovej ideológie a verejného priestoru sa venovala tiež počas študijného pobytu v Centre pragmatiky na Univerzite v Antverpách.
doc. Mgr. Adriana Jesenková, PhD. is a graduate of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Bratislava in the field of history and philosophy. In 2004 she defended her dissertation in systematic philosophy. She works as an docent at the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Applied Sciences in Košice, where she lectures on philosophical disciplines and social ethics. As a researcher, she is also active in the EsFem civic association focused on gender research and gender-sensitive education and upbringing. Her professional interests focus on feminist moral philosophy, issues of power relations, care and justice.
Slovak philosopher and university teacher. After studying philosophy in Bratislava, Budapest and York, he received his doctorate in Philosophy from Comenius University in Bratislava. He is an associate professor at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the Catholic University in Ružomberok. He specializes in contemporary moral, legal and political philosophy, especially virtue ethics and the issue of legitimate limitation of hate speech in a democratic society. He held research fellowships at the University of Oxford, the University of St. Andrews and the University of Notre Dame. He published the books Introduction to Virtue Ethics and Ethics and Politics in the Perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre.
Dana Vitálošová is a long-time feminist who fights against modern forms of violence against women. Before 2019, she ran the online magazine feminist.fyi in Slovakia. After she wrote several articles about extremism in the trans activism milieu, her bubble was "cancelled." Today, she is a contributor to the Standard and also runs an American feminist magazine critical of gender ideology and prostitution, 4w.pub.
Vyštudoval sociológiu a kognitívnu vedu, pracoval v rôznych analytických pozíciách a momentálne je redaktorom Konzervatívneho denníka Postoj. Venuje sa mestským a celospoločenským témam. Pochádza z Bratislavy.