„I´ll just try it“. An innocent statement often results in a real-life disaster. If a flask, narcotics, or pornography becomes a regular part of a man´s life, he will gradually keep losing his integrity, relationships, money, or even the ground under his feet. This does not have to end up in a bad manner necessarily. Is life-long abstinence worth a try? Is it necessary to feel guilty after you have tried a drug or watched a porno movie? How to live life to the fullest without addictions, that is what we are going to talk about with those, who suffered from addictions, together with the psychiatrist Ľubomír Gábriš and activist Lívia Halmkan.
Ľubomír Gábriš is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and manager of social rehabilitation center. He has been helping people with addictions since 1986. In 1992 he founded the first Centre for drug addiction treatment in Nové Zámky and later the first social rehabilitation facility in Ľudovítov, which is actually the biggest one in Slovakia and he has been working there since 2000.
Lívia Halmkan založila neziskovú organizáciu Tlakový hrniec, ktorá prináša stredoškolským študentom debaty na kontroverzné témy, ako neplánované tehotenstvo, manželstvo a vzťahy, alebo pornografiu. Na BHD bude hovoriť o pornografii a sexualite z prostredia stredných škôl. Lívia žila takmer celý dospelý život v Anglicku, odkiaľ si priniesla manžela a dve deti. Momentálne žije v Banskej Bystrici.
A man from Sásová, who as a teenager became addicted to drugs, which led to homeless and almost to prison. It was a visit to Cenacolo community in Croatia and Italy that helped him to cope with his addiction. Together with his wife Lucia, who has a similar story behind her, and with their six children, they live in Hriňová.
Lucia Szabova is Michael’s wife. They met in their seventeen’s however, the unrestrained lifestyle caused the end of their relationship. They again pulled together after the experiences from Cenacola. Recently, they are raising six children.
Editor-in-chief of nm.sk. Graduated in mass media communication in Trnava. Worked as an editor and presenter in the Bratislava studio of Radio Lumen and has collaborated with the religious and sports editorial staff of RTVS. He is married and lives in Bratislava.