Svätý otec František je nielen najznámejšia katolícka osobnosť, ale aj najznámejšia svetová osobnosť vôbec. Rešpektujú ho aj mnohí neveriaci, dokonca aj predstavitelia ideológií považovaných za nezlučiteľné s kresťanstvom. Zároveň platí, že medzi kresťanmi a zvlášť medzi katolíkmi sa pohľad na Františka rôzni: Mnohí vnímajú jeho pôsobenie ako závan čerstvého vzduchu, iní viaceré jeho kroky či výroky vnímajú kriticky. O pohľade pápeža Františka na cirkev, politiku i na jeho vzťah k médiam budú diskutovať traja laici z okruhu SLH, z rôznych generácii: František Mikloško, Juraj Šúst a Samuel Trizuljak. A moderovať to bude ďalší SLHák František Bartek.
He graduated in philosophy at Trnava University. He serves as the President of the Ladislav Hanus Fellowship and co-organizes the Bratislava / Košice Hanus days festival. He is the editor-in-chief of Verbum, a magazine for contemporary Christian culture. He also works as a script editor for the RTVS discussion program Do kríža and is also involved in civic activities, especially in the field of pro-life.
Samuel Trizuljak studied political science and history at the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Heidelberg. His interest in the history of Catholic thought is further developed as a PhD student at Charles University in Prague. As a lecturer he cooperates with the Ladislav Hanus Society and the Anton Neuwirth College. As a speechwriter, he has worked for several politicians, most recently for the Minister of Defence Jaroslav Naď. His book At Height to Depth: 33 Advice to Faithful Students in Bratislava, Oxford or elsewhere was published in September 2021.
František Bartek studied philosophy at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. He is also a graduate of the Anton Neuwirth College and the semester program of the Ladislav Hanus Fellowship, for which he later worked. In the past, he also worked as an assistant to a member of the Slovak National Assembly. He is one of the founding members of the Catholic Gentlemen's Club. Francis is also a co-author of the book "Joseph 2.1", subtitled: What does it mean to be a man of the Gospel in the 21st century? He is currently studying the theology of marriage and family at the International Pontifical Institute in Austria.