Simone Weil as a production operator, two English gentlemen playing chess and urgent letters from the Sahara desert. Three rooms and a light at the end of the tunnel. An original play about five famous converts in the beautiful spaces of the Statua Gallery. Come walk with us through the gallery of the minds of those who have believed. After the performance, enjoy a wine or beer and listen to songs from Dáša Žabenská's album - jedno.tu, all in the beautiful and little-known spaces of the Statua Gallery.
Duration of the whole event: approx. 1.5 hours.
Author's text / dramaturgy / direction: Mgr. Art. Rebeka Lukáčová and Mgr. Katarína Valábková.
30% discount for students, seniors and disabled persons can be applied directly when buying a ticket in Inviton.
NOTICE: This event will not be broadcast as part of the online season ticket.
Maria has been active in the arts since she was a child - especially theatre, poetry and dance. She works as a volunteer for the non-profit organization Úsmev ako dar, likes to take photos, travel, meet new people and get to know herself. After graduating from Mother Alexia Secondary School, she was accepted to the Academy of Performing Arts and is currently completing her first year of acting.
Marián Kužma má 22 rokov, momentálne študuje herectvo na VŠMU, predtým študoval herectvo na konzervatóriu v Košiciach. Vo voľnom čase pracuje (brigáduje) ako animátor v detskom centre.
Simon grew up near the Salesian centre in Trnava, where he is working on music and with children. He has had successful performances of the musical Bola raz jedna klietka. In addition, he is involved in the organisation of the Lumen Festival in Trnava.
Dáša Žabenská is a singer and music producer. She is behind the project jedno.tu - an album that connects young Christian musicians from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. During her studies at the Academy of Performing Arts she participated in the organization of a Hans Zimmer concert. In 2020 she recorded the song 'Šepkáš mi' for the film version of Godzone Tour. She is currently on maternity leave.
Rebeka studied theatre dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts. She is currently working as a project and event manager at SLH. She covers the production of the Bratislava / Košice Hanus Days festivals and works in the dramaturgy teams of the festivals.
Katarína Valábková teaches languages at secondary school, likes original ideas in a stylish language form and is learning not to be afraid.