Priestor na Tvoje otázky o Cirkvi a na Cirkev. Príležitosť pre hľadajúcich, kritických i tých na okraji. Spýtaj sa otvorene biskupa, vicerektora seminára či rehoľnej sestry na to, čo ťa zaujíma. Iniciatíva mladého študenta práv Patrika Struka, ktorého víziou je priblížiť veriacich k viere a Cirkvi cestou úprimných otázok a odpovedí.
UPOZORNENIE: Toto podujatie nebude vysielané v rámci online permanentky.
His Excellency Mons. Milan Lach SJ is a Jesuit and since January he has been serving as auxiliary bishop of the Eparchy of Bratislava. From 2018-2023, he was Bishop of the Ruthenian (Greek Catholic) Eparchy of Parma, USA, and from 2013-2017, he served as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archeparchy of Presov. He studied at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome.
Sister Hermana, born Jaroslava Matláková, is the first blogging nun and has been a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent - Satmars for more than 25 years. She comes from Ružomberok, today she lives in a monastery in Bratislava. She writes poetry and prose, spiritual reflections and fairy tale texts. She contributes to the daily newspaper Postoj by writing "Letter of Sister Hermana". She studied theology at the Theological Institute and Slovak language and literature at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. She worked in education, in Slovak Catholic Charity and prepared engaged couples for marriage.
Miroslav Šidlo je vicerektor a ekonóm kňazského seminára v Nitre. Predtým pôsobil ako tajomník biskupa Viliama Judáka. Aktuálne si robí doktorát z pastorálnej teológie na RKCMBF UK a prednáša pastorálnu teológiu na tej istej fakulte. Miroslav je spoluautorom vedeckej publikácie „Trpiaci svedkovia viery“, ktorá mapuje prenasledovaných kňazov nitrianskej diecézy počas komunizmu.
Patrik Struk is a law student, presenter at Radio Maria Slovakia. He also creates and records interviews with interesting people, which he shares via his YouTube channel or on Spotify. He founded the initiative "Ask" to create a space for open discussion. In the first Ask About the Church discussion, he spoke with Auxiliary Bishop Jozef Haľek, Renata Ocilková and Salesian Eva Rušínová.